Home Improvement

Gutter Cleaning – The Top 4 Reasons to Clean Your Gutters Every Fall.


Be honest, how many of you remember to add gutter cleaning to your household task list? During your day-to-day routine, gutter cleaning stays with the gutters themselves – out of sight and out of mind.

Cleaning your gutters is not a daily or weekly job, like doing the dishes or taking out the trash. However, keeping them clean is still incredibly important, so you can maintain solid foundations and prevent damage to your house.

As leaves start to fall and winter debris sweeps in, you need to clean out your gutters each Fall. Just like Spring cleaning is for the inside, Fall cleaning takes care of your house’s exteriors.

With that in mind, here are the top 4 reasons why gutter cleaning should be a Fall must and become a regular on your to-do list.

It prevents water damage.

Gutters capture any rainfall that lands on your roof and diverts it away from your house.

Suppose water is left to collect in the gutters. In that case, it can weaken the foundations and cause extensive and expensive damage to your home. All it takes is a few drops to trickle in, and you’re in a pickle.

When gutters are full of leaves, dirt and debris, they can’t properly redirect the water away, so it’s left to slowly work its way through any cracks and crevices it can find.

Heavy gutters also pull away from their fixtures and can damage the edge of your home.

As well as this, water can’t drain away properly, so it gathers in heavy pools on your roof that put a strain on your roof.

The national average cost to repair water damage sits at a huge $1200-$5000, depending on how bad it is.

To avoid costly water damage, make sure you’re cleaning your gutters.

Avoid an infestation.

Pests are exactly that – a pest. And gutters are a great home for them. They love the damp and dirty conditions that gutters provide; before you know it, there are thousands of them.

Not to mention, they’re surprisingly good and getting through cracks you didn’t know were there. Small insects can make their way through the tiniest of pathways that are invisible to the human eye, especially at a several-storey distance and into an attic you rarely go into.

Pest control is another costly effect of avoiding gutter cleaning. There are all the added extras of inspection, fumigation and sometimes needing an extra place to stay while this is all happening.

To avoid the negative financial impact of an infestation, keep your gutters nice and clean.

Improve the appeal of your home.

Everyone knows of that one house in the neighbourhood that lets the side down. Overgrown lawns, broken fences and bare flowerbeds all decrease the appeal of your home to passers-by and to yourself.

Anything that blocks your gutters makes a home look untidy. Water gathers on your rooftop, and debris sticks out of the top, giving unpleasant fringing around the top of your home. Gutter cleaning makes sure your gutters blend in seamlessly with the rest of your home and don’t stick out like a sore thumb. Proper gutter installation will help disguise it, too.

If everything else is kept neat and tidy, it’s very easy to notice something out of place.

Proper gutter cleaning means that dirty, blocked gutters won’t be an eyesore to anyone looking at your home, including yourself.

Make your gutter installation last longer.

Taking your gutters, like anything else, reduces the risk of irreparable damage and inevitably needing your gutters replaced.

Clogs in the pipes can quickly and easily form, and water is a powerful force that can push more debris down, causing the pipe to swell.

As we know from a previous point, water can inflict a lot of damage and can make the pipe crack and split.

What if that ‘rainy day’ fund has been used for something else? And what if there isn’t one at all?

The more you take care of your gutters with proper cleaning, the less likely it is that you’ll need to replace them and avoid costly repairs.

Gutter Cleaning – the Fall Cleaning Essential.

Avoid costly repercussions, lasting damage and protect your home by ensuring your gutters are as clean as possible.

To properly take care of your home like it takes care of you, make sure you clean your gutters at least once a year.

Glenn Turner
Since his arrival to our team in 2020, Glenn Turner has elevated our content on roofing and maintenance with his extensive field experience, having supervised numerous large-scale roofing projects. A former roofing contractor and an advocate for eco-friendly building practices, his advice is sought after by homeowners and industry professionals alike. Glenn is a passionate sailor in his leisure time, often exploring coastal waters.

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