
Best Ways To Combine Multiple Rugs In One Room


Open floor plans can be great: your rooms seem bigger, you have fewer walls between rooms, and you get the feeling like you have tons of space. But, they are really tricky for designing and putting the furniture in. if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, the rooms can look unpleasant and appealing to the eye.

Even if you combine the furniture, the closets, tables, chairs… there will be some minor details that you can easily miss, and the final outcome to be off. But, you won’t be able to put your finger on the real issue. In the following article, we’ll give you some advice on how to put multiple rugs in one room, in order for it to look nice, comfy, and cozy.

Finding the right rugs

There are so many patterns, colors, materials, and sizes to choose from. You can choose anything from bold red to neutral brownish, from wild patterns to dots and stripes, fluffy to hard rugs… but, you need to pay attention that all of the details on the rugs match each other. That way, your rooms will look more connected to each other and the final result will be much better.

You can look for rugs locally or you can find them online. For example, Lemieux et Cie rugs can be the perfect addition to your home, and their color pattern combo is amazing. You can find tons of patterns, with bright colors that will definitely draw everyone’s attention in a good way.

Combine multiple rugs in one room

We’re talking about bigger rooms or open floor plans. Smaller rooms, in general, need only one rug, and if used correctly, it can make the room appear bigger, longer, brighter, warmer, or quite the opposite of those things.

Different rugs create interest

Truth is, it’s trickier to combine two rugs that are exactly the same than is to combine two similar rugs that complement each other. For instance, if one of the rugs has a bold color, the other one should be more textured. That way, you’ll be sparking some visual interest and people will be generally amazed at the final look of your home.

Make sure that the rugs have something in common. The two rugs can be connected via color, if the colored one has a neutral color, so should the textured one. That way, you’ll get that sense of completion, and the room will be put together and good-looking.

Mix the prints

You can also have fun with the pattern. If one of the rugs has a big pattern, the second one should have a smaller one. You’re going pretty strong here, so it will either be a good hit or a great miss. If you’re not feeling confident, it would be better to look for some inspo or ask a specialist.

When you’re mixing the patterns, you should also, once again look for the color combination. It would be great if the two rugs have a common color, but right now that’s not necessary. What’s important is that the size of the print should be completely opposite from one another. Avoid using prints that look like asymmetrical circles or clouds, as they can give out the appearance of an unmaintained and worn-out rug.

Make a statement

If you want to make a statement, then it’s time to go completely wild with your rugs. They are a great way to express yourself and your personality, so make sure you do that. Walk inside the store and choose the rugs that suit you the most, pick them and lay them flat to one another. Now imagine them at the center of your living room, where people come and notice them. How do you feel?

If you can imagine that scenario, you should most definitely purchase them. Sometimes it’s great to be bold and add some spice to your room. Bold, dark, and saturated colors are totally in right now. Most of the time you cannot go wrong, and even if you do, you can always tone down your mistake by adding different pieces of furniture on top of each rug.

Better be safe than sorry

If you cannot decide, or you’re simply afraid of making a rather expensive mistake, then it’s best to stick to the safe side. You can easily do this by buying two similar rugs, within the same color range. They can be different shades of each color, or they can be connected to one another with the same pattern.

Combining neutral tones and sticking to lines that are darker or lighter than the dominant color is also a great way to add some style to your room. In the end, your home will look amazing, and you’ll be proud of your interior design skills.

Chelsie, holding a degree in Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design, has been transforming spaces with her unique aesthetic since 2015. She first showcased her talent at a renowned design firm in Los Angeles, specializing in contemporary art installations. Before joining us, she worked extensively in the Los Angeles art scene, collaborating with upcoming artists. Beyond design, she enjoys pottery and traveling, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and landscapes.

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