Home Improvement

How To DIY Your Bathroom On A Budget


How long has it been since your bathroom got an upgrade? If you’ve been living in your home or apartment for a while, you may never have changed the restroom at all.

So, if you’ve been asking yourself if your bathroom feels drab and outdated, you might want to make some upgrades, but the process could seem too expensive and out of reach. Luckily, there are many ways to redo a bathroom without overspending, especially if you do most of the work on your own.

From some DIY project ideas to quick fixes, here is how you can renovate your bathroom, even if you don’t have a lot of extra funds.

Start With These Basic DIY Tips

One surefire way to get inspired on how to change your bathroom on a budget is by looking at pictures. You can check out what others have done, as the visual will assist you in making your own upgrades.

Here are some common ways to upgrade your bathroom on your own without breaking the bank:

  • Change light fixtures: Barring weird electrical problems, it’s usually quite simple to change out light fixtures. You can just stick with the basic structure but get an upgraded or more modern model.
  • Get a towel warmer: There’s something especially luxurious about a towel warmer. And, while prices for these will range, many of them will mount to your wall and then plug into an outlet.
  • Upgrade the toilet: While replacing your entire toilet might not be a possibility, you can make your bathroom feel more like a spa if you add a bidet. There are various options out there, and you’ll enjoy spending less time cleaning up after you go.
  • Paint the cabinets: Replacing cabinets is expensive and usually a big pain. It will mess up your bathroom, and most people don’t have the construction skills to do this themselves. But, it’s a lot more accessible to paint the cabinets to change the style of the bathroom.

While these projects might take some trial and error and a little effort, they are things that the average person can learn to do.

A Few Relatively Cheap Items To Buy That Don’t Need DIY Skills

Along with the list above, there are some things you can add to your bathroom to give it an upgraded feel without much work. So, even if home repair or design projects are generally out of your wheelhouse, you can add these items with little to no effort and get an improved effect.

Here are three things to consider:

  1. Plants: Even if you don’t love keeping plants alive, some easy-to-care-for varieties thrive in a restroom like pothos. Alternatively, you could do fake plants if you don’t want to worry about keeping them alive.
  2. Mirrors: While you likely have a mirror above the vanity in your bathroom, adding a couple of smaller mirrors as decorations can elevate the space to look more upscale.
  3. Organization items: Whether it’s small inserts in the bathroom drawers or nice bins to store your toiletries, your bathroom space will look much less cluttered by spending time on the organization.

Upgrading your bathroom on a budget can be as intensive or relaxed as you want it to be. There are DIY projects and options for any skillset or bank account size. It’s just a matter of figuring out your priorities and determining how much time and money you want to spend on the process.

But, hopefully, these tips will help you achieve the bathroom you’ve wanted to create.

Kevin Johnson
Bringing over two decades of expertise in home improvement, Kevin Johnson is a celebrated architect and interior designer. He has been a cornerstone of our website since 2019, sharing his 20 years of experience in home renovation. Prior to joining us, Kevin ran his design firm, specializing in residential remodeling. He has been a go-to source for innovative remodeling ideas and practical renovation tips. His hobbies include woodworking and restoring vintage furniture, skills that add depth and practicality to his advice.

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