
Moving To The USA: Things You Need To Know



Every country across the globe has its own set of rules and customs. The USA is the biggest distributor of media in the western world, and many people believe that they already have a good idea about how things operate in this country.

Unfortunately, you won’t always get the full picture of how a country works until you actually live there. Therefore, this article will delve into everything you need to know about this part of the world before you get here.

Healthcare Is Not Free

Healthcare is a necessity that every person will need at some point during their lifetime. Whether you are bringing a new life into the world, have an underlying health condition, or are involved in an unforeseen accident, the ability to visit a hospital and seek treatment is essential. While many countries, such as Canada, Germany, and the UK, have elected to offer their citizens free healthcare through taxation, the USA operates differently.

Healthcare is not free in the USA, and you may find yourself with a lofty hospital bill if you do not prepare properly. Many American citizens pay monthly for health insurance, a policy that aims to help them with their healthcare needs. Every policy is different; however, so it is a good idea to do your research into this matter before you head out to the US.

Tipping Is A Part Of Life

The idea behind tipping in a restaurant is difficult for some people to get their heads around. You have already paid for the meal, so why should you also have to pay extra for the service? This might be a contentious topic in some parts of the world. The act of tipping is considered to be downright rude in Japan, for example. In America, though, tipping is almost mandatory.

The reason behind this is that the waiting staff are taxed a large percentage on a wage that is already difficult to live on. The American public is aware of this, and many waiters require these extra tips to stay above the poverty line. Some restaurants may even add on a service charge as a fixed tip to give their staff, so make sure you check this and tip where you can.

Halloween Is Huge

The old pagan festival of Halloween is celebrated across many parts of the Western world. The 31st of October is a date that many kids look forward to as a chance to dress up in spooky outfits and receive free treats; however, no country takes these festivities as seriously as the Americans.

Halloween does receive criticism in some countries due to its dark nature. Many religious communities won’t acknowledge it at all. However, America goes all out every year despite the country’s Christian population. Be prepared to hand out plenty of candy on this night, and be on the lookout for any teenage pranksters. Halloween isn’t exclusive to children in America, after all.

Big Portions

North America has one of the most varied cuisines on the planet, thanks to its range of influences. Every street is lined with top restaurants, each one boasting a completely fresh take on an old idea. However, you may get more than you bargained for when you step through the door.

Portion sizes in the USA are very different, and you may need to take a step back to adjust correctly. A small portion of chips is more like a medium elsewhere, and if you ask for a medium portion, you will be given something more akin to a large. Let’s also not forget about the option to supersize your meals. It may seem like a dream to most tourists; however, these huge meals can take their toll after a while, especially if you aren’t used to them.

High School And College Teams Are Important

Sports also play a big part in American culture. The USA is home to some of the best athletes, many of which take part in home-grown sports, such as basketball, American football, and hockey. However, you may find that the reason behind this success can be attributed to how early many players start their careers.

Every town will back their local sports teams, no matter what level they play at. This means that high school and college football teams are treated with the same enthusiasm as major league games. It is a chance for the community to get out and show some local pride, and you never know who is going to hit the big leagues after watching them during these humble beginnings.

Every State Has Something To Offer

The decision to move to the USA is not as easy as it would be when moving to another country. North America comprises fifty states spread across one of the largest landmasses on the planet. Therefore, you will find that every location has something different to offer.

You will find warm climates in Southern states like Texas and Arizona but will be swept off your feet by widespread gales in Portland or Seattle. Also, Alaska is a frozen paradise tucked away up North. However, there are more differences than just the weather patterns.

You will find that some states offer a lower cost of living, which means that real estate agents can drop the price of their homes for sale. Take, for example, the real estate in Wilmington. These country homes in North Carolina are perfectly suited to families but won’t set you back too much financially. Therefore, it is a good idea to look at real estate in Wilmington and other places to find out exactly where you would like to move.

T.V Is Excellent

While the nice weather in North America is a huge plus to those that choose to move there, this phenomenon also comes with another unexpected bonus. T.V producers in America need to create some of the best T.V shows imaginable to keep their viewers inside and glued to their screens. Places like the UK and other parts of Europe can experience nothing but rain and cold for six months at a time, which means that they have no choice but to stay at home and entertain themselves. However, US T.V stations have a lot more competition.

The only way to ensure that the general public stays tuned in is to make unmissable shows. America is responsible for some of the best and most influential T.V programs in history, including Star Trek, The Sopranos, The Simpsons, Friends, Lost, Westworld, and so many more. You don’t want to find yourself caught in a conversation at the water cooler without having watched the latest episode of the nation’s current favorite show, so make sure you catch up on what everyone is watching. You won’t be disappointed.


As you can see, the USA does many things differently from the rest of the world, but that does not mean that it is a bad place to live. Just different. Anyone looking to move here definitely has a few things they need to brush up on, but it shouldn’t be too time-consuming. At the end of the day, America is just another country looking to provide its citizens with the best life possible. With fifty different states to choose from, it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to find a new home here.

Nicole Adams
Nicole Adams is an experienced professional with over 15 years in the logistics and planning industry. She holds a BA in Organizational Management. Her career began in project management, where she polished her skills in coordinating complex projects. Her passion for creating efficient, user-friendly spaces extends into her hobby of landscape painting. She is known for her innovative approaches and has been a keynote speaker at several national conferences on urban development and sustainability. She also loves to travel and uses her personal experiences to enhance her professional insights.

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