
What to Pack – and What Not to Pack for a Long-Distance Move


One of the most significant puzzle pieces in moving long distances is committing to and completing all the packing that comes with it. You are tasked with piercing your earthly belongings into boxes before you can begin transporting them. Some people love to pack for vacations, but when you are looking at your entire household, the job can feel daunting.

Getting started and knowing where to begin is probably the most challenging part of the adventure. Making choices about what will be traveling with you to your destination and what needs to be left behind proves just as problematic.

Every now and then, the choice can be made for you because some of your belongings don’t travel well, cannot be transported across state lines, or simply should be replaced for your long-distance move.

Understand that packing doesn’t have to be so nerve-wracking; it should help you purge many unnecessary things you have held onto and make space for all the new, exciting stuff you have in store for this next chapter of your life.

To get started, you will want to get rid of things you no longer need, want, or can make use of to ensure you are moving into your new space, creating a fresh start while still bringing along your essentials and keepsakes.

Get Rid of Clutter & Sort Through Donations

Clutter and mess are friends to absolutely no one, and they are especially your enemy when preparing to relocate long distances. Decluttering will make moving much more straightforward, but you don’t need to get rid of everything you own – you just want to determine what is best to donate, consign, keep, or throw out.

Take everything room by room – try to avoid tackling everything at the same time and have everyone in the household take on their own bedroom space. This is an incredible way to get your kids involved in the moving process and helps to serve as a bonding experience as you are also sorting through many different life changes.

Make large piles and separate what you plan on bringing with you and what you can part with, and from there, further break down those piles into what can be sold, donated, and tossed. Take your time through the process, as it is bound to bring up emotions and memories. Enjoy remembering all the good times you have had in that house and how others may benefit from the donations you will make.

Everything can serve a larger purpose, and while you may just be attempting to pack for your cross-country move, you are also entering a new environment. You will face new obstacles, challenges, and an adjustment period. Don’t worry too much about what you leave behind; focus on what is essential for your new home and how it will serve your life moving forward.

Determine What You Immediately Need

There are some items you just can’t live without. Everyone has their favorite sweater; some still sleep with baby blankets, and others have children who require car seats or pack-and-plays while traveling, etc.

Once you have purged the clutter, you need to set aside things you will keep with you throughout the move. You will not place these items on the moving truck, and they should be kept with your personal belongings out of necessity.

Evaluate the household, and if you have children, make sure they all develop their own list and an assortment of items they cannot live without in the first few days or weeks after arriving at your new home. You may need to make exceptions as you walk through the process, but just take things as they come and do your best – there is always room for your child’s favorite stuffed animal!

What to Keep with You When Moving Cross-Country

When you are transitioning, it is crucial to ensure you have all of your essentials and things you require for everyday use and basic necessities. Everything you have designated to keep with you should be neatly organized so you can start settling in when you arrive at your new house. You will want to do things like…

  • An overnight/first-week bag includes clothing, toiletries, blankets, and anything necessary to get through the first few nights.
  • Keepsakes are anything that has sentimental value that you do not want to part with or fragile items you would not want to be transported on the moving truck.
  • Documents & records that you may need to get a new license, etc.
  • Pet needs would include a leash, toys, food, etc.

The ‘Do Not Pack’ List

People are typically most interested in the things they shouldn’t take with them during a cross-country move because if you understand what you can’t bring, you already have everything you know you can!

There are, of course, things that you may include in your personal ‘Do not pack’ list, such as; old clothing, bulky items, unused games or toys, aged sheets, bedding or linens, and any kind of worn-out furniture, plate ware or appliances. However, there are some things you cannot bring under any circumstances when traveling with a moving company across state lines…

  • Foods & Liquids.
  • Prescription drugs or controlled substances.
  • Ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or pyrotechnics of any kind.
  • Gas or chemicals.
  • Firearms.

Weigh the Pros & Cons of Replacing or Buying a New

Always take the time to consider the condition of furniture or appliances before making a final decision on whether they will be transported with you. If you have been using your bedroom furniture for the past decade, it may be time to invest in something new – especially if it is worn down or difficult to disassemble or reassemble.

Connect with Full-Service Movers to Find Out More

If you are still trying to make sense of everything when it comes to packing – wondering if you can avoid packing entirely and look forward to hiring professionals to pack up and transport your belongings, then it is time to reach out to a licensed moving company you can trust.

Never fear; DTC Movers is a Denver, Colorado-based company, family-owned and family-run, to help families everywhere with premiere packing, superior storage solutions, and full-service local & long-distance relocation services.

DTC Movers have many years of experience in VIP transportation and cross-country moving. Their mission is to continue evolving the moving experience to ensure clients can move through the process comfortably, confidently, and efficiently.

Let them pack for you and get excited about making your long-distance move. You have a whole new adventure ahead of you, so don’t let the logistics weigh you down – enjoy the journey!

Nicole Adams
Nicole Adams is an experienced professional with over 15 years in the logistics and planning industry. She holds a BA in Organizational Management. Her career began in project management, where she polished her skills in coordinating complex projects. Her passion for creating efficient, user-friendly spaces extends into her hobby of landscape painting. She is known for her innovative approaches and has been a keynote speaker at several national conferences on urban development and sustainability. She also loves to travel and uses her personal experiences to enhance her professional insights.

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