Home Improvement

5 Situations That Require A Call To Furnace Repair Professionals


Ensuring your furnace functions as it’s supposed to should always be your priority. Come to think of it; you’ll need the system more than anything else during winter.

Unfortunately, furnaces, too, are bound to experience issues from time to time. Some are severe and require immediate professional attention, while others aren’t something to worry about since a skilled homeowner can handle them successfully.

If you’re unsure when to call professional heating repair, here are five common furnace issues requiring professional assistance:

1. An Overheating Furnace

Once your furnace works exceedingly, it begins to overheat. Luckily, overheating furnaces turn off automatically via a sensor. If the sensor is malfunctioning, the furnace won’t be able to tell when it’s overheating and when it’s not.

In many cases, furnaces overheat because of a blockage caused by dirty filters or dirt. While fixing this issue might not pose a significant challenge, attempting DIY can result in further furnace malfunctions.

An overheating furnace requires professionals in heating repair Cypress, TX, or your local area due to the hazards it can cause. For example, an overheating furnace is more likely to cause fire accidents or a system breakdown.

Since it might be challenging to know if your furnace is overheating, your best bet in determining it is by paying attention to cycling. Study cycling to learn if it’s on and off or continuous. If it runs without stopping, it’s overheating, and you need to seek professional help as soon as possible.

2. High Energy Bills

If your energy bill is increasing each month, it might be a sign of a furnace that isn’t operating efficiently; hence it requires servicing.

Though it’s normal for energy bills to fluctuate from time to time, it isn’t when the bills are extremely high. In such a situation, all there is to do is call professionals to determine the reason behind the increasing bills.

Your system might be malfunctioning, and a professional tune-up can help reduce the bills. To know more about common furnace issues and how professionals can help, you can visit https://www.youtube.com/@Emaxteam/featured.

3. Uneven Heating

Your furnace should do an excellent job of heating your home evenly. If this isn’t the case and you determine that your home’s temperatures aren’t even, you require furnace repair professionals.

When the furnace is functioning as it should, your home won’t have warm and cold areas. While different areas in your home are bound to differ in temperatures, if the unevenness in temperature is found in a similar environment, it indicates the furnace requires assessment.

4. The Furnace Does Not Start

There are no reasons why your furnace refuses to start unless it’s broken and requires professional attention. If the reason behind it not working isn’t the power outage, any time the furnace refuses to start indicates a severe issue. As soon as you discover this problem, don’t hesitate to call the experts.

Among the best tips to avoid this issue is scheduling regular furnace maintenance. The maintenance enables the technicians to inspect the system, diagnose malfunctioning as it begins, and correct it accordingly.

Regular maintenance makes it unlikely for the furnace to develop emergency heating issues when needed the most. Besides that, regular furnace maintenance helps extend the system’s life and lower the monthly power bills.

5. Unexplainable Furnace Odors

It’s normal for your furnace to produce odor, and it doesn’t necessarily mean it has severe issues every time it does. For instance, sometimes your furnace can produce a burning smell, which indicates the burning dust or unsettled debris. However, some odors don’t indicate anything good and shouldn’t be ignored. Among these odors include:

  • Rotten Eggs Odor: If you smell rotten eggs from your furnace, leave the house and call a fire department immediately. The rotten eggs smell comes from leaking gas, and it’s incorporated into the gas to help homeowners understand when it’s leaking. After the gas issue is settled, call a furnace technician immediately.
  • Metallic: A metallic smell from the furnace can indicate different things. However, it usually means that the internal parts are extremely hot. If you experience such a smell, shut the system off and call a professional.
  • Chemical: In most cases, a chemical smell from a furnace indicates the presence of cracks in the heating exchanger. The heating exchanger transports heat from the combustion chamber to other parts of the furnace. When there are cracks, you experience a chemical-like smell, and you should contact a reputable maintenance specialist to seal the cracks to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

As soon as you notice these unusual odors produced by your furnace, call a furnace repair professional immediately.


Furnaces can be tricky sometimes. However, they rarely pose safety hazards. Nevertheless, like anything else, sometimes they malfunction and develop severe issues. When this happens, it’s vital to call a professional to troubleshoot the furnace and correct the issues accordingly.

That said, it’s vital to understand how your furnace works to know when it develops issues. Remember, a furnace is an electrical system that might result in fire accidents; hence anyone inexperienced in repairing it shouldn’t try any DIY repairs.

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor, a mechanical engineer, has been a part of our team for many years. With over a decade of experience in HVAC systems design and implementation, he brings a technical yet accessible approach to his writing. His previous roles in management at tech startups have given him a keen insight into innovative HVAC solutions. Brian is an advocate for energy efficiency and regularly volunteers for community programs aimed at improving home energy use. His interest in technology extends to his hobbies, where he enjoys building custom computer systems.

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