
7 Safe and Effective Rodent Extermination Methods Used by the Pros

7 Safe and Effective Rodent Extermination Methods Used by the Pros

When rodents take over your home, professionals are called in to get rid of the problem. Experience plays a big part, but the tools of the trade are also a big factor. To understand the importance of removal habits, here are a few tips that exterminators live by.

1. The Garbage Problem

The smell of garbage from the trashcan will attract all kinds of pests. This leads to an appointment from a Rodent Exterminator that will promptly point out the garbage as an attractant. With high heat and low humidity, even the most secure of trashcans will give off an odor. Rodents can smell this from multiple blocks away, and that doesn’t even count the other pests that will join them for an invite. Buy rodent repellent trash bags and tie them up tight to avoid this problem.

2. Outside Access

The only way for a rodent to get access to the inside of your house is if they come from the outside. Look for entry points around the home that are small enough to allow rats to squeeze through. Seal these areas off, and lay traps around areas that can’t be sealed off.

3. Inside and Outside Cleanliness

Outside garbage will attract rodents from all over the neighborhood while inside garbage will keep them close. This is worse since they will gather and nest around your home as it is closest to their food source. Don’t let food linger in your home, and empty the garbage disposal instead of letting it sit for weeks. Put the waste in a rodent repellent trash bag to complete the circle.

4. Natural Predators

Cats are natural predators to rodents. Some curious dogs can also fill this role, as they have been known to catch sneaky rats. A rodent exterminator won’t take a cat out of their tool bag, but you’d win a bet at guessing if they were a pet owner. Most exterminators have pets in their home, and as a result have to do very little upkeep to keep rats out.

5. Traps

Traps can be purchased from the store, or manmade with things you already have. For instance, a birdfeeder is natural pest control that will ward off rodents in the area. For something more direct, baits can be purchased from stores with the same non-toxic ingredients that exterminators use. Either method works, and it is harmless enough to do both simultaneously.

6. Garden Control

If your garden is a mess, then rodents will be more than happy to clean it up. Quickly take care of fallen fruit and other miscellaneous items that don’t belong in your garden. Taking away this source of food will either starve the rodents, or force them to move to a more hospital area.

7. A Predator Alternative

Are you allergic to pet hair? Then spray predator urine around the outside of your home. This pre-packaged urine can be purchased from stores. Once rodents smell the urine, they will think twice about entering the area.

Get Rid of Them All

Don’t let rodents get you down in your own home. It can be overwhelming, but their numbers can easily be dealt with. When you use proven extermination methods, rodents stand little chance of surviving.

David Fletcher
David Fletcher, a renowned entomologist from Stanford University, has contributed importantly to pest control and extermination for over 15 years. Since joining our team in 2020, David has revolutionized the pest management content on our site, blending scientific insights with practical tips. Beyond his professional pursuits, David is a nature enthusiast, often hiking and bird-watching in his free time.

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