
Check Out These Creative Ways to Display Your Family Photos and Wall Art Collections

Check Out These Creative Ways to Display Your Family Photos and Wall Art Collections

Have you ever considered using family photos or wall art collections to decorate your walls? If the answer is no, there’s no better time than now to do it. They make great conversation starters for when friends and relatives come over, just so you know. No décor element says more about you than the images you display. How you hang your family photos and wall art can upgrade the pieces themselves. In what follows, we’ll share some tips and tricks for using images in home decorating. As you’ll see, you don’t need to spend a fortune to create a fresh feeling at home.

A Hammer and Nails Aren’t the Only Way to Go

Contrary to popular opinion, a hammer and nails aren’t a prerequisite to an exquisite photo display. Leave your walls pristine and unpunctured. For example, you can stack some frames on a series of floating shelves to create a laid-back look in your home while still bringing some colour into the space. The question now is: how do you prevent the family photos or pieces of artwork from falling off? Well, you can use drawer liners. They’re non-adhesive, but they hold on nicely, and you can peel them off when the time comes to change the display.

You can use any available surface to display your possessions, but ensure the family photos or wall art collections aren’t at risk of being destroyed by kids or pets. You can surround your sleeping space with your beloved memories – it can be photos of loved ones, a map of a special place, or a treasured poem. Attach them using tape or mounting putty to form a collage by the side of the bed. Keep in mind that odd numbers work better than even numbers. If you need a little more direction, look around the room and draw inspiration from the colours, features, and decorative elements.

Mix And Match Photos and Pieces of Art

Some people make money through photography by selling their prints – landscapes, nature, cityscapes, and so on. Please note that there are really nice products to choose from. If you feel a strong connection with a piece, go right ahead and buy it; having it around makes life more engaging and enriching. Take your time to collect various prints and frames to mix in with your family photos to create a funky medium. Start with the biggest pieces and have the same gap between each set to produce a random yet ordered feel. Don’t be afraid to get creative to add depth to the space.

Frame Furniture with An Arrangement of Your Favourite Pieces

Use a gallery to balance a large piece of furniture by framing it with an arrangement of your prized pics. It can coexist with the layout without superseding it. The result is absolutely stunning. The idea isn’t to create a focal point but to frame a view that already exists in a way that enhances its beauty. If you love sharing your home on Instagram, find the best lighting, edit your snapshots, and, above all, show off your house’s unique features. Draw attention to the elegance that already exists in the home but which is easily overlooked.

Creating your own gallery at home by combining family photos and works of art is a delicate balance. More exactly, you may have to put in extra time and effort to make them work together. A simple way to achieve a cohesive look is to use the same frames for all of the pieces. As your family photos will be smaller than the prints, matting is useful for filling in gaps. If you can’t find a theme for the display, you can leverage colour to unite the wall. Maybe you prefer a bohemian style for your home décor. In that case, you can use photos and prints that don’t have anything in common.

Opt For a Simple Grid Pattern

At its simplest, a grid arranges family photos and pieces of art in a fixed number of rows and columns. Not only is the display calming, but also it never goes out of style. You can edit the images to make them more consistent with black and white filters (or others). Undoubtedly, square frames are the best options because you can use horizontal or vertical photos. In other words, you don’t have to compromise. Group together illustrations of similar subjects, styles, and themes. The trick to creating a simple grid pattern is to get the frames level and evenly spaced. It’s not a good idea to use picture hanging wire because it makes it too hard to equally space.

Fill An Awkward Nook

Don’t let the lack of square footage fool you. In other words, the nooks in your home abound in design potential. Maybe you have a tired or blank space in your home. In that case, you can bring it back to life with your cherished picks. The small area is fun to style because it allows you to create a unique space – if you’re clever, you can fill the in-between spots with family photos or wall art. Make your nook beautiful, comfortable, and relaxing. Try to showcase your love for art and see your preferred pieces take on new life.

Incorporating other décor elements can make your photos and prints stand out even more. By way of illustration, you can combine photos with books to enhance the visual appeal of the nook. Equally, you can add small trinkets and potted plants to make the space come alive (they also play a role in your overall health). All in all, family photos and wall art collections aren’t exclusive for the cosy little corners in your home. They can be used in the living room, kitchen, hallway, and so forth. If you’re going for a classic look, stick to the same style and colour when it comes down to the frames. If you aim for a more eclectic look, do the opposite.

Concluding Thoughts

It’s your home, so you can do whatever you want. But before you decide to decorate your home with family photos and wall art, carefully consider the options available.

Mathew Vincent
Mathew Vincent is an art historian with a Ph.D. from the University of Oxford who has enriched various readers with cultural insights since 2017. His experience includes curating exhibitions in prestigious galleries across Europe and the Americas. Mathew's passion for art transcends into his writing, where he explores the intersection of contemporary art and societal trends. His expertise ranges from Renaissance to modern art. In his leisure time, he enjoys painting and exploring archaeological sites, constantly seeking inspiration for his next piece.

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