
Essential Tips on How You Can Help Someone Who Is Hoarding

Essential Tips on How You Can Help Someone Who Is Hoarding

It is typically worrying to watch someone you care about fall into the pit of hoarding without realizing the risk they are exposing themselves to. There are cases of young adults who are worried about their hoarding parents safety.

Imagine a case of a fire outbreak when no one is allowed, it can be tough to put it out as there are piles of highly flammable items in every corner of the house, even blocking the pathways. Below, we have prepared tips on how you can help someone who is hoarding.

1. Help them seek therapy and counseling.

Although there is no set cause of hoarding, professionals relate the disorder to mental illnesses. Some people use hoarding to distract from painful feelings they find difficult to express.

Hoarding can also result from childhood traumatic experiences, such as living in poverty, abuse, bullying, losing someone, or having people throw away their items. It is best to seek professionals with expertise in helping people overcome traumatic expertise. This will help the hoarder understand they are safe and accept help.

2. Avoid forced cleanups.

No matter how bad the situation is, you should never conduct a hoarding cleanup forcefully. Rather than helping the hoarder, you might worsen the situation as you do not understand the reasons for feeling attached to some items.

Work on convincing the hoarder that they need help and allow you into their personal space. Avoid referring to their items as junk and show that you care; with time, they will open up to you, and you can conduct the cleanup with their permission.

3. Be patient and gentle.

All hoarders are different. Some can easily accept they are hoarding and seek help, while others may sow resistance as they do not believe they are hoarding. It can be challenging to communicate with someone who has not admitted to hoarding, requiring you to be patient with them.

Do not try to persuade or trick them into clearing their home, as it results in them withdrawing from you. Focus on keeping them safe first to ensure the hoarding environment is secure.

Always involve them while contacting authorities, whether a professional biohazard cleanup company or social services, and let them give their opinions and ask questions.

4. Offer general support

People sometimes forget that hoarders have experienced worse situations in their lives, which resulted in hoarding as an escape. One of the crucial things you can do is show that you care and will always be there.

Create a special bond with them and have regular chats. Ensure they do not feel pressured to agree to a clean-up until they are ready. Some hoarders may agree to a total cleanup, but some may need time to come to terms with the situation, resulting in cleaning small spaces over a period.

Be there to encourage, congratulate and celebrate them on every small step they take.

If you a live with a hoarding person, rather than forcefully doing a cleanup or making threats, sit down and come up with a solution that satisfies both parties. Always show compassion and that you care.

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith, with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, has been at the forefront of technology and electronics since the early 2000s. He started sharing his expertise through blogging and joined our team as a freelancer recently. He quickly became a reader favorite for his in-depth reviews and tech tips. Andrew is known for his ability to explain complex technological concepts in a relatable manner. In his spare time, he enjoys experimenting with home automation projects.

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