Home Improvement

Home Interior Hacks That Will Save You $100s


Home refurbishment and redecoration can be a big job, but the magic often lies in the small, finishing touches. There’s lots that can be done to your interior to transform the look and feel of your rooms – and these clever hacks will help you save $100’s, compared to expensive interior design fees. Read on for inspiration and change your interiors from dull to distinguished in no time at all!

Create a Home Gallery

Gallery walls are hugely popular thanks to popping up across social media, but there’s no need to invest heavily in costly art pieces. Instead, purchase an appropriate gallery picture hanging system for your walls and hang what you have. If you’re looking to curate a cohesive collection, consider buying replica prints or postcards from big-name galleries – much cheaper than picking up originals at auctions!

Change Up your Cupboards

If your kitchen cabinets are still in good order, there’s no need to remove and replace them in a full kitchen refit. Instead, purchase cabinet paint and change their color yourself. Door handles can also be changed relatively quickly, can be bought cheaply, and completely transform your kitchen.

Create Chalkboards with Paint

Chalkboard paint is easy to find, and inexpensive. The paint creates a surface that can be written on using chalk – perfect for lists and doodles. If you don’t want to paint a wall to write on, consider a kitchen cupboard… ideal for noting down your shopping list, without searching for pen and paper.

Plant in (tea)Pots

Houseplants bring vast health benefits to a home, but it can be difficult to find enough pots to keep them in that are suitable for interior use. Why not use items you already have for houseplants and succulents? Mismatched teapots and mugs make a quirky interior design detail, and if they’re already in the house, they won’t cost you a thing.

Re-purpose Duvet Covers into Curtains

Curtains are often surprisingly expensive, especially if you’re sourcing them for large windows. Instead, duvet covers and bedsheets can be re-purposed into curtains, with a sewing machine and a little creativity. If you need to make a blackout curtain, line the sheet with heavy canvas material. Canvas is available to purchase at a very low cost from craft stores, usually comes in cream or white, and works well with any design or color in your bedroom.

Fablon Worktops

Kitchen countertops are heavy and expensive to change; a difficult job that can rarely be taken on by anyone but professionals. Save on the money and hassle by covering worktops with Fablon or other adhesive, wipe-clean vinyl. Vinyl rolls are now available in a variety of colors and designs – faux marble is a particularly popular choice and looks very close to the real thing!

Use Paint Testers to Create Accents

Paint color testers are usually free, or cost just a couple of dollars, but contain a surprising amount of paint. It won’t be enough to cover a whole wall, but if you’re looking to add a design or color accent, it’s more than enough. Paint shapes, designs, or color blocks onto plain walls. Or, add a splash of color to the sides of doors and cupboards. You can completely change the theme or feel of a room with the tiniest lick of paint.

A little creativity goes a long way when it comes to home interiors – so, get smart, get inspired, upcycle, recycle, and focus on the little things that make a big difference.

Glenda Taylor
Glenda Taylor brings over a decade of expertise in the writing and editorial domain. She is a graduate with a degree in English Literature. She began her career as a journalist for a local newspaper in Denver before transitioning to online media. Before dedicating herself to writing, she worked as a historical building consultant in Savannah, Georgia. Her passion for transforming spaces is reflected in her engaging articles. In her leisure time, she enjoys DIY projects, showcasing her skills in her century-old home renovation. She loves gardening as well.

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