
How To Keep Your Car’s Key Fob From Being Hacked


How can you protect your vehicle from being snatched by a thief? The answer might surprise you. The best way to keep your car from being stolen is by ensuring that the thief won’t be able to use your particular make of remote key fob to obtain access to car door locks.

QuickPro Locksmith will work with you to make your vehicle safer. To begin, reach out to a locksmith in Atlanta to review what options are available to you.

A car’s key fob is an essential part of modern life. It can lock and unlock your vehicle, start the engine, and even open and close your garage door. But as technology advances, so do thieves’ ways of hacking into these devices.

The key fobs in today’s cars are more susceptible to being hacked than ever before. Hackers are now using the same type of technology used for remote access to vehicles to steal them.

How To Stop Thieves From Accessing Your Car Fob

The first step to protecting yourself from hackers is understanding how they gain access to your car’s systems in the first place.

Each manufacturer has their own way of integrating smart technology into its vehicles. Still, most use telematics systems that allow them to control parts of the car remotely via a smartphone app or key fob.

In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to the security of vehicles that use keyless entry systems. These systems use radio frequencies (RF) to communicate between the key fob and the vehicle.

This allows you to unlock doors and start engines without using physical keys. These are convenient because they eliminate the need for keys and make it easier for thieves to gain vehicle access.

A major concern with these systems is that they are vulnerable to signal boosting attacks. A signal-boosting attack involves using high-gain antennas and other equipment to boost the signal strength so receivers can receive it on other parts of the globe.

Keep Your Systems Up-To-Date

Keeping your systems up-to-date includes your smartphone and your vehicle’s software systems. When bugs are discovered in these systems, they will often be fixed through updates via an app store or website.

You should always take advantage of these updates so that you don’t leave yourself vulnerable to hackers and thieves who may be looking for new ways into your system.

Be Wary of Third Party Software

Many cars have built-in telematics systems that allow you to track their location and remotely control certain features. These systems can be hacked by third-party software that allows third parties to access your vehicle without permission or authorization from the manufacturer.

Limit Access

If you’re using a third-party app to access your vehicle’s data, ensure that only authorized people can access it. You should also limit the time they can use the app so they don’t abuse it or access sensitive data when they shouldn’t be doing so.

Block Unauthorized Communication

If someone hacks into your key fob, they can send commands from anywhere worldwide as long as they know its location. A hacker could even track down your vehicle’s location through GPS tracking systems if it already hasn’t installed one.

To reduce this risk, block unauthorized communication with your vehicle using a cellular jammer or RFID blocker. Contact QuickPro Locksmith for signal-blocking help.

What Can Happen If Your Signal Is Boosted?

If someone boosts your key fob signal, they can unlock your car and start it without having the physical key in their possession. They will have access to your car for as long as they want, whether for a few minutes or several hours.

Thieves Can Remotely Access Your Car

If someone boosts your key fob signal, they will have access to anything else hooked up to it. This includes other vehicles controlled by remote start systems or smart locks on houses or apartments. The thief could use the same signal to access those other vehicles or homes remotely!

Thieves Can Remotely Access Your Smartphone If It Is Paired With Your Vehicle

Prevent remote car theft by unlinking your phone from the vehicle. Some cars will automatically pair with phones when parked nearby, which can be problematic if you don’t know about it.

Telematics Technology Makes Cars More Attractive Targets

Many modern cars have installed telematics systems, allowing owners to track their vehicles’ location and status remotely. This technology makes them more attractive targets for hackers who want to steal or compromise their safety systems.

Focus on Cyber Security with QuickPro Locksmith

Car hacking can be a major concern for drivers, and rightly so. Once a vehicle is hacked, thieves can gain the ability to access the car at their whim. Most smart cars are increasingly connected to smartphones, making them even more susceptible to hacking attacks.

The good news is that there are several steps that drivers can take to protect their car systems and themselves better. It is time to have a locksmith in Chamblee help you protect yourself and your property better.

Ryan Turner
With a background in automotive technology and 18 years of hands-on experience in car maintenance, Ryan Turner is a trusted voice in the field. He has worked with leading automotive companies before turning to writing in 2015. He began contributing to our site in 2017 after a distinguished career as a workshop supervisor. Outside of work, Ryan is passionate about road trips and automotive photography. He is also an amateur car racer and enjoys restoring classic cars in his workshop.

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