Home Improvement

How to Setup Your Home Office and Ensure Productivity


The modern digitized world and pandemic years have shown us the importance of having a home office. Whether you work from home on a daily basis or occasionally, you have to have a small corner to yourself. It should be a place where you get inspiration, stay focused, and do your best. That’s why you need to keep your space organized, clean, and visually appealing to you.

While creating a place to work, people do not always pay attention to the teeny tiny things that could boost productivity drastically. With the help of art, colors, and furniture you can transform a dull room into a workspace that shows your personality and helps you to reach your goals.

So, if you are having trouble with constant distractions, and lack of structure and motivation, you can benefit from optimizing your workspace and setting up a productive place helping you to achieve more. The more comfortable you feel at your home office, the better results you get.

1. Find the Best Location and Add Privacy

Your workspace should have lots of natural light and be private. Since our job require a lot of concentration, you won’t be able to do your best if you are distracted by the members of your family.

It is perfect to have the whole room to yourself, but if you do not have much space, all sorts of divers would come in handy. Also, do not mix your work and personal life, which means keeping your workspace away from sleeping and lounge areas. Creating a separate zone where you could is vital for work/life balance.

2. Comfy Home Office 101: Furniture, Equipment & Organization

Before you want to work on the visual side of your home office, you have to take care of the essentials. Workspace is always about creating a comfortable space to focus on the tasks, deal with the projects and let your creative thoughts bloom. You cannot perform your work without gadgets and furniture. Start with getting a comfortable table and chair, and take care of the storage system that works for you. You should not forget about a stable internet connection and your PC, of course.

Invest in a good desk. This would be a game-changer in your work life. It is an opportunity to be healthier without getting used to a sedentary lifestyle. Another helpful thing is a desktop riser (also known as a standing desk converter), which you place on a table. It allows you the option of standing without moving the desk, and it is budget-friendly.

Custom desk mats are another; Sometimes chairs look like a masterpiece themselves. If you want to diversify your home office by keeping it minimal, think of a unique custom-made chair that perfectly matches your interior.

Make good use of vertical space in your home office – utilize it to store books, documents, and some decorative elements.

Tip: To make a room feel clean and organized, you can get wire concealers or a cord management system and hide those ugly wires. Nothing changes your mind more than cleanliness and decluttered area.

3. Keep Your Work Space Well-Lit

Light is a key to productiveness. It makes you feel lively throughout the day and invites the outdoors in. If your home office has a huge window – take a benefit out of it: create a welcoming and cozy interior with the help of natural light.

If your space is small and has no windows, you can still find a way out. Look for some unique pendants lamps, and mix and match different sources of lights. You can add a mirror to reflect the light – that way you add spaciousness and volume to your interior.

4. Incorporate Some Brighter Colors and Your Personal Touch

Home is the reflection of who you are and what you enjoy most in your life. And your office is no different. Display your favorite decor, and add brightness for space to play with vibrant colors and new life.

Think of adding some panoramic prints that take a breath away. Wall decoration is best at creating a focal point, something that catches the eye and makes the interior interesting at once. Canvases offer different themes and styles, you are free to choose what’s more to your liking. Check TexelPrintArt for some incredible handmade wall hanging that would transform your home office.

Do not be afraid of filling the empty shelves with your favorite decoration, books or statuettes that hold sentimental value. An office can be a space where you get your inspiration, after all.

5. General tips and ideas

A small office could be as functional and beautiful as a regular-sized room. In fact, the less space you have, the more quality furniture, more elaborate decor, and multi-purpose storage systems you can afford. It could be a fold-out desk – saves those precious inches and guarantees your room looks clean. Use lifted furniture to give your home office an airy feel. You can also go for open shelves which display books or decor.

An office with no windows would flourish with the usage of the right lighting, some mirrors to add dimension, neutral painted walls, and probably a panoramic wall art canvas which adds character and interest to the interior.

Colors. Different tones and shades affect us directly so why don’t you use the utmost of it? The best option would be a beige and gray shade. This is what could bring calmness and serve as a neutral wall for decor. The blue color is thought to stimulate productivity, while green makes a workplace serene. White and soft notes of pink or coral give a relaxing feeling and do not distract. Black may seem to be aggressive, but it is usually used to make sleek designs and add an elegant touch. If you use black furniture or make some accents in a well-lit room, that will do.

Power of cleanliness and organization. Keeping your desk clean makes you concentrate on work. A messy table with lots of office supplies would not take you far. It is proven that a cluttered space distracts and makes people nervous increasing their stress level. Get rid of multiple stuff by hiding them in a drawer.

Add a schedule, calendar or keep your journal. A timetable or a simple board could boost your productivity and take your office interior to a whole new level. Besides being functional and helping to keep all the necessary events on track, organizers serve as decoration. A great variety of colors and styles is there to suit your space.

Last but not least, add plants. There is nothing more pleasing than feeling the connection to nature. Place one or two plants beside your workplace and you will see how peaceful and tranquil your routine might feel.

Summing it up, there are so many options to create a workplace that opens your creativity and helps you to feel more productive. Create a pleasing, not just a functional place, where you can enjoy your working day, be more involved in your daily tasks and love what you do for a living.

Sophia Bell
Sophia Bell, an alumnus of MIT with a degree in Electrical Engineering, has been at the forefront of tech innovation since 2011. Before her 2018 arrival at our platform, she worked with top tech startups in Silicon Valley. She started her career in R&D at a leading electronics manufacturer. Sophia’s expertise spans from consumer electronics to cutting-edge software. Outside of tech, she’s an avid science fiction reader and enjoys tinkering with robotics as a hobby.

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