
How To Store Your Olive Oil Properly


Olive oil is widely used in homes to make countless recipes. The oils have a rich nutritional profile and versatile flavors and can be poured into almost every dish. Being an everyday ingredient, most people tend to store the oils within arm’s reach near the stove.

Unfortunately, olive oil turns rancid very rapidly if exposed to heat. So how should you store olive oil to keep it as fresh as possible? What should be the ideal olive oil bottle? Here are the answers.

Things to Consider when Storing Olive Oil

Here are 4 factors to consider when storing olive oil.


You should store olive oil in a moderate environment. It should be kept far from the stove, especially in a metal container, since it is a good conductor of heat and could promote oxidation and, eventually, rancidity. You should not keep the olive oil bottle in the fridge too. Freezing temperatures cause the oil to condense and break down.

You should store olive oil at room temperature of between 57°F to 70ºF. A dark area, such as a wine cellar with a reasonably constant temperature or a kitchen cabinet away from sunlight and a stove, is also ideal.

Storage Duration

Olive oil does not improve as it ages. On the contrary, the acidity levels rise as it ages. Ideally, olive oil’s distinctive flavors peak 2-3 months after pressing but are at their best within one year.

If it remains in its original container, it can last for two years or 15 months if properly stored. Older oil tends to have an unpleasant taste and smell, although it’s still safe to consume.

Due to its short shelf life, finishing the olive oil bottle is advisable as soon as it is opened. Consider purchasing small quantities of the product to replace it more frequently and enjoy the rich flavors and tastes of fresh and quality oil.

Storage Container

You should not store olive oil in plastic containers. Plastic produces PVC that can be absorbed into the oils. Also, you should avoid reactive metals such as copper and iron. The chemical reaction between the metals and the oil produces harmful toxins.

You should store olive oil in containers such as dark-colored glass bottles and non-reactive metals such as stainless steel or porcelain. If you buy the oil in large quantities, store it in a dark, cool area and pour small amounts into a dark-colored olive oil bottle for daily use.

Container Capping

When olive oil is exposed to oxygen, it undergoes oxidation. Oxidation compromises the taste and flavors and the quality of the olive oil. Therefore, keeping the oil in an air-tight olive oil bottle is advisable. Also, avoid fitting the container with a pour spout as it exposes the oil.

Store Your Olive Oil Bottle Properly for the Best Tastes and Flavors

It is advisable to store your olive oil bottle within the right conditions to maintain the oil’s rich flavors and tastes. The ideal temperature is between 57°F to 70ºF in a non-corrosive container.

The container’s lid should also be air-tight to avoid oxidation. You should also use the olive oil as soon as it’s opened, as exposure reduces its shelf life.

Isabella Rossi
Isabella Rossi is a culinary arts graduate, has enriched various content with her gastronomic insights. She has been contributing to various platforms and has a Master’s Degree background in interior design. Her passion for culinary innovation is complemented by her expertise in kitchen ergonomics, honed through years of practical experience. Her career began in restaurant design, where she combined her love for aesthetics with functionality. She enjoys hosting cooking workshops for her local community in her free time, focusing on healthy and sustainable eating.

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