Home Improvement



Selling real estate effectively requires professional skills. The task of the seller is to show the country house in the most profitable way in order to get the optimal amount from the transaction. To do this, you need to perform pre-sale preparation of housing. Then the collection of documents, the search for buyers, and property showings are carried out.

In this article, you will learn how to prepare the interior and exterior of the cottage for viewing by potential housing buyers.

To profitably sell your property, you should carry out some preparatory work, both in the house and in the area around it. A lot depends on the seller. If everything is organized correctly and the house is prepared accordingly, then the price for it will not fall with cosmic speed, and the object of trade will not hang on the real estate market for an indefinite period. After all, you can sell a residential building in two months and at a bargain price, or you can not budge even in two years, even lowering the price. If the house is not ready, you should wait and not invite the buyer for inspection. Showing your property in an unsightly way is not worth it. For the sale of real estate, and, accordingly, for the show, you should prepare thoroughly.

How to properly prepare a house for sale?

What needs to be done to get the buyer’s attention? What advantages should be emphasized, and which ones should be hidden, or veiled? What touches and nuances will push a potential buyer to resolve the issue of buying positively, without a massive price reduction, and without persistent selling?

A big role in this will be played by the first impression of the house, which develops literally within five minutes. Both the external state and the internal state will be evaluated. For future profits, spend a few hours, maybe days, cleaning or even redecorating and getting your house in order before a buyer visits. Trust me, your hard work will pay off.

Where to begin? You need to start with the inspection and repair of the house both inside and out. It makes no sense to start a major overhaul, but to cover up holes, and crevices, perhaps even slightly whitewash the walls on the outside, for the sake of a profitable sale, it’s worth it.

Windows and doors

Check the woodwork, especially the windows. It’s hard to say why, but it is the windows that attract the eye in the first place. And the old, cracked paint will leave a negative mark on the emotional perception, and the disappointed buyer will no longer want to hear about other advantages of your property. If necessary, repaint them, or at least wash them thoroughly. Check the front door, it should open and close easily, without creaking. To make the door leave a pleasant mark in the memory of the client, paint or at least wash it. A neat, clean house, even half a century old, will look much more profitable and attractive than an abandoned mansion. Clean the paths from sand and weeds in summer, from leaves in autumn, from snow in winter. Remove heaps of construction debris that have accumulated after repairs, mow the lawn.

Kitchen and bathroom

Tidy up your kitchen and bathroom. The buyer will definitely look there. Make sure that no water drips – this will lead to thoughts about faulty faucets, plumbing, and other problems with them. In the bathroom and toilet, everything should be fragrant and sparkling clean.

Remove old dishes from the kitchen. The stove, especially the old one, should sparkle with cleanliness, if possible, open the windows as much as possible, let in sunlight. A bright room always seems bigger and cozier. Therefore, it is better to show the house during the daytime.

Living room and bedroom

In the living room and bedroom, the main thing is cleanliness, fresh air, light, and comfort. To add appeal to living rooms, remove unnecessary things, leave a minimum, but this minimum should also be neat. If there is a fireplace in the living room, be sure to light a fire, the crackling of logs and the glare of live fire in the fireplace will fill the house with comfort and a feeling of warmth.

Utility rooms

When buying a house, many people pay attention to the presence of utility rooms – a pantry, a garage, a basement. The best way to basement floors look neat is by adding epoxy paint to make the room look cleaner. Therefore, free them from trash, or at least put everything in boxes and put it neatly. This also applies to built-in wardrobes, if any in your home. Well-organized cabinet space visually enlarges them.

How to properly show a house to a buyer

  • Be kind, not pushy
  • answer specific questions
  • let the buyer freely and in a calm atmosphere carefully examine and evaluate the house, imagine himself as the owner.

When showing, avoid mass character, try to minimize the number of people present. If you contacted a realtor, let him calmly do his job, without your intrusive participation. Having fulfilled all these conditions, owners of private property, as a rule, sell their property without problems in the first months of the sale.

Justin Tye
Justin Tye is a renowned journalist focusing on market trends and property insights and has been enriching readers since 2012. With over two decades of experience in journalism, he has a knack for demystifying complex real estate topics. He started his career at a major news outlet in New York, where he honed his reporting skills. In his personal life, he is passionate about sustainable living and enjoys renovating old properties using eco-friendly methods. He also loves to travel, exploring different cultures and architectural styles.

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