
Common Access Panel Materials You Need To Consider


In construction, professional construction workers are masters of their work and will only rely on the finest equipment and materials out there when performing their craft. But some common materials are good enough to compare with the finest materials.

In creating access panels, some materials have the same durability and use as those that are superior. Due to its numerous feats and designs, you, the consumer, sometimes need clarification about what kind of access panel is perfect for your home or office.

As the consumer, you will buy an access panel with the best type of material by instinct; but these are indeed expensive so going for access panels with common materials is a good choice. You may ask, “What are these common materials?” Here’s a list of common access panel materials you might consider:


Steel is a common material for many access panels. The steel material will make access doors impenetrable to elements like heat and cold, making the access panel solid and sturdy. There are fire-resistant access panels, mostly made of part steel because of the material’s high melting point, which is very useful in fire or heat cases.

Stainless steel is a variety of steel; what makes it different is that it contains at least 10.5% chromium, less than 1.2% carbon, and other alloy elements. Stainless steel panels are also popular among construction professionals because this access door is resistant to mildew and mold, which makes it unique and popular in commercial and industrial construction, construction in establishments where cleanliness and hygiene are essential.

Another characteristic of stainless-steel worth noting is that it has immunity from getting rust and discoloration, which is very fitting for internal or external use, making it the finest material for an access panel.

Dry Wall

Next to steel in terms of durability, drywall is just your typical type of access panel material choice. Drywall is a material you can use in both the ceiling and the wall, making it an ideal choice for material on an access panel.

One of the drywall’s most significant characteristics is that you can customize it to your liking, and it is also budget-friendly to consumers. It’s a win-win situation!


If you are on a tight budget but on the market for a handy access panel, plastic material is the one for you. Plastic access panels are pocket-friendly and serve as excellent access door panels for beginners.

Even though cheap and light, lightweight access panels are still advantageous if you just know where and how to utilize them. Residential buildings and some commercial buildings are perfect examples of establishments that are fitting for plastic access panels.

Installation is a breeze due to its weight. It provides an aesthetically pleasing finish that you can also put beside house decorations and furniture pieces; when damaged, it is easily replaceable.


Aluminum is a unique material that can be an access panel material due to its durability, even though it is lightweight and thin. Aluminum is the material you want for an access panel if you use it in interior and exterior settings, with its immunity from corrosion. So, installing this in an area where there is moisture is no problem.

An aluminum access panel can also survive in extreme heat and humid conditions due to its top-of-the-line resistance to corrosion and heat.


Fire-Rated is not a raw material, but most access panels have this kind of characteristic and consider this a material. Fire-rated access panels are standard on commercial buildings due to their main feature, fire resistance.

Fire and heat are not the only subjects that a fire-rated access panel can handle, and it also slows down the vicious smoke from spreading into the whole area. Many fire-rated access panels compose of metal or gypsum as a material, which means these access panels are usually heavy.

Final Thoughts

In choosing materials for your construction project, don’t just choose the recommended ones, as other people or even professionals tell you. Using these superior materials are not frowned upon, but most of them are likely to be expensive. Try some access panels with these standard materials, you don’t know, but these might be the ones perfect for your construction project.

Johnathan Marshall
With a career spanning 25 years in construction management, Johnathan Marshall joined us in 2019. His deep understanding of building codes and regulations is evident in his well-researched articles. A Purdue University graduate, Johnathan’s writing informs and inspires sustainable and safe building practices. He is a passionate gardener and often incorporates green building techniques in his personal projects.

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